Acoustic Design Department

Project Design Department: Design & Simulation

Acoustic Design Department


The Tecnare Sales Application Specialist are committed to working at your side to ensure and to elaborate the most accurate technical solution according to the technical and economic criteria of your project.


Committed to Perfection

No project is equal to another, the acoustics vary from venue to venue, and that´s  why sound planning it´s vital to determine how the sound will be heard at the real location. For that reason, the choice of speakers and sound design as well as quality of the installation process and the use by the operators is critical to quality installation. With all of this on mind, sometimes you will need to call on the experience of specialists.

For rise the best standards of quality and reach the most perfect sound, the Tecnare Sales Application Specialist (SAS) will support you throughout the entire project. With their extensive technical knowledge and practical experience, they are happy to advise every step of the way and can even assist during the final stages of testing, setting and tuning at a venue.

The Tecnare Sales Application Specialist are committed to working at your side to ensure and to elaborate the most accurate technical solution according to the technical and economic criteria of your project.

Starting right is Projects Study with simulation software such as EASE Focus1, 2 or 3 and EASE 4.4 and CAD software like a AutoCAD® or SketchtUp®.

Depending on the complexity of the project and requirements, Tecnare Engineers often act in two possible way:

1.- We can return a technical validation report, suggestions and optimizations, based on your configuration project and your acoustic study.

2.- Based on a your collect of information on site and a technical brief about application, Tecnare technical support team will conduct a study of acoustic coverage (direct SPL) providing a acoustic simulation and corresponding optimized system configuration: speaker sound design, amplfication and electronic control system, accessories, etc.

To do so, we ask for basic information about you, your project and the deliverables needed from us. Thus you can share it with the Tecnare SAS Engineers to define the most perfect solution.


Final Tunning

In addition to project stude, SAS Engineer can be involved in the final calibration, system check and tuning, as well as a site construction progress visit during installation and a follow-up visit after the final tuning.

At the same time Tecnare SAS Team can deliver product technical training to technicians in charge of use of the system.

We look forward to receiving your request and working with you on your project!

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